오늘 함께 공부해 볼 idiom은 out of kilter입니다. 저도 처음 이 이디엄을 접했을 때는 도대체 무슨 말일까 가늠조차 되지 않았는데요~ 배우고 나니깐 제 어휘가 한층 더 넓어진 기분이 들었습니다. 여러분도 저와 같은 경험을 하길 바라면서 오늘의 어휘 Out of Kilter 배워보러 가겠습니다 ☺️
- out of equilibrium; not straight, level, or aligned properly
out of harmony or balance
not working properly - …와 일치하지 않는
정상이 아닌, 고장난
example sentences
- The wheels of her bicycle were out of kilter after it hit the tree.
- Missing more than one night’s sleep can throw your body out of kilter.
- Ignoring feelings of tiredness knocks out body clocks out of kilter.
- In a complicated system, though, tinkering with one component can put another one out of kilter.
- Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.
- President, parliament and public are out of kilter.
- It sounds like your car’s engine is a bit out of kilter. I’d recommend taking it to a mechanic before you go for any long drives.
- The economy has remained out of kilter in many countries across Europe, even as the global economy has started to recover.
- It seem like everything in my life has gone out of kilter recently.
- Long-haul flights tend to throw your body clock out of kilter for a couple of days.
sentences I chose
- My sleeping pattern will be out of kilter if I stay up one night.
- Since the big event, everything seems out of kilter in the office – the energy is different, and people are on edge.
- I think the oven temperature might be out of kilter because my cookies keep turning out either underdone or burnt.
- With the main speaker absent, the team meeting felt a bit off, as if it was out of kilter without their usual leader.
- Ever since the software update, my phone’s battery life seems out of kilter – it’s draining way faster than before.
- His routine was out of kilter after the long weekend, and it took a while readjust to the work schedule.
- After the flu, his sense of taste was out of kilter, as everything he ate seemed strangely bland.
- The puzzle pieces don’t fit together perfectly; they seem out of kilter, making it challenging to complete.
- Her mood was out of kilter today, perhaps due to the rainy weather, feeling a bit gloomier than usual.
예문을 통해서 Out of Kilter를 배워보셨는데 어떠셨을까요? 저는 처음에 Out of Kilter 단어만 보았을 때는 무슨 뜻일지 이해가 잘 안 갔는데, 예문을 통해서 학습하니 이해가 되기 시작했습니다. 물론, 발음까지 들어보고 원어민이 어떻게 사용하는지까지 알아보시면 금상첨화겠죠! 그래서 Youglish 링크도 아래에 걸어드리겠습니다!
저는 여기까지고요, 오늘도 저와 함께 영어공부해주셔서 감사합니다 🥰
Vocabulary 시리즈를 아직 안 보셨다고요?!
Vocabulary 1. broaden one’s horizons
Vocabulary 2. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
더 많은 Vocabulary series를 준비하고 있습니다. Stay tuned!
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