shake up

Vocabulary 4. Shake up

오늘의 vocabulary는 shake up입니다. shake up이 가지고 있는 의미와 어떻게 활용을 할 수 있는지 알아보겠습니다 ☺️

Shake up


  • to do something different from one’s normal routine in order to make things feel new or interesting. A noun or pronoun can be used between “shake” and “up.”

명사로 쓸 경우,

  • shake-up: 대대적인 개혁

동사로 쓸 경우,

  • shake (something) up에는 두가지 뜻이 있습니다.
    1) 재료를 흔들어 섞다
    2) 대대적으로 개혁하다, 변화를 주다
  • shake (someone) up는 아래와 같은 뜻이 있습니다.
    ‘~을 일깨우다’

오늘은 다양한 의미가 있는 shake up 중에서 ‘대대적으로 개혁하다, 변화를 주다’라는 의미의 예문들을 살펴보겠습니다.

example sentences

  • It’s important to shake up your day-to-day routine, or you may end up in a rut.
  • The new management intends to shake up the company.
  • The government wanted to reform the institutions, to shake up the country.
  • Shareholders are preparing to shake things up in the boardrooms.
  • The CEO’s new policies have really shaken things up around here – I now report to a new boss.
  • He’s running for senator as an outsider who will shake things up.
  • Shaking things up keeps us alert and on our toes.
  • Look, change doesn’t happen until an outsider comes in and… shakes things up.

sentences I chose

  • I would like to shake up my daily routine.
  • The company is planning to shake up its marketing strategy for the upcoming quarter.
  • Instead of the usual dinner at home, Mark suggested shaking things up by trying a new restaurant.
  • The city council aims to shake up urban transportation by implementing a new public transit system.
  • To shake up their weekend routine, the family went camping instead of staying at home.
  • John felt stuck in a rut at work, so he shook things up by requesting a transfer to a different department.
  • Seeking a fresh perspective on life, James decided to shake things up by taking a solo backpacking trip across Europe.
  • Unhappy with her current hairstyle, Emily decided to shake things up with a bold vibrant hair colour.
  • Looking for a new challenge, Tim decided to shake up his career by pursuing a certification in a different field.
  • Looking to broaden her horizons, Emily decided to shake up her book club by introducing a monthly rotation of genres.
  • Brian wanted to shake up his career path, so he took a leap of faith and applied for a job in a completely different industry.
  • The university decided to shake up its admissions process, considering unconventional criteria alongside academic achievements.
  • The local council aimed to shake up community engagement by hosting town hall meetings in different neighbourhoods.
  • Hoping to bring innovation to the workplace, the CEO announced a competition to shake up the company’s usual approach to problem-solving.
  • To foster team bonding, the office manager decided to shake things up by organising a team-building retreat in the countryside.
  • The school assembly was shaken up by a surprise visit from a local celebrity to inspire the students.
  • As a way to shake up their family traditions, the Smiths decided to spend Christmas volunteering at a local shelter.

평범한 일상에 변화를 주고 싶으시다고요? Shake things up!

오늘도 저와 함께해 주셔서 감사합니다 🥰

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영영사전으로 멋지게 영어 공부하고 싶은데 아직 영어 어휘가 많지 않아서 부담되시는 분이 계신다면, Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries에서 단어를 찾아보시는 걸 추천해 드릴게요~

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이런 분들께 추천드려요~

✔️ 이제 한영사전보다 영영사전이 필요하다!
✔️ 영영사전을 조금 더 쉬운 단어로 보고 싶다!
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✔️ 미국식 영어보다 영국식 영어에 더 관심이 있다!

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